
The editing process is essential to well-crafted writing.


Mechanical Editing

$35 per hour | 7-10 pages per hour

We study grammar, mechanics, syntax, consistency, and punctuation so you don’t have to! We’ll ensure your work conforms to The Chicago Manual of Style and is free of grammatical, spelling, and typographical errors. You’ll receive a clean, corrected manuscript, a style sheet, and a Google Doc containing tracked changes.

Line Editing

$40 per hour | 4-6 pages per hour

This micro approach focuses on words and sentences. We’ll evaluate each line of your manuscript, ensuring your execution matches your intent, eliminating redundancy and repetition, and enhancing the language to improve imagery and flow. When we’re done, we’ll provide you with an annotated Google Doc containing tracked changes.

Developmental Editing

$45 per hour | 4-6 pages per hour

Developmental editing involves evaluating “big picture” story-related issues. We’ll consider your story’s plot, pacing, flow, tense, theme, imagery, settings, characters, structure, clarity, point-of-view, and dialogue, then provide you with an annotated Google Doc and a detailed critique.

Substantive Editing

$100 (Consultation & Debrief) + $55 per hour
Productivity varies.

Two separate meetings are required: a pre-edit consultation and a post-edit debrief. This intensive troubleshooting service combines developmental, mechanical, and line editing, focusing closely on both content and style. Substantive editing often requires a considerable deal of rewriting and reorganizing, with the goal of moving your story or chapter closer to a clean, publication-ready draft.


Beta Read & Critique

$20 per hour | 11-15 pages per hour

We will read and evaluate your story or chapter, providing you with our observations and feedback on your plot, characters, descriptions, style, and everything in between. Does not include editing.

Weekly Check-Ins

$100 per month or $35 per Check-In

Receive four 30-minute check-in calls, one each week, scheduled on days and times that work for you. (Alternatively, you may book Accountability Check-Ins as you need them for $35 per appointment.) Does not include editing.

Book Coaching

$400 per month

By application only. Writing a book can be a much more arduous project than many writers realize. Tina will ensure you hit every deadline and never get stuck. Includes editing.

Ongoing Coaching


By application only. Writers need a trusted editor they can rely on to advise and support them in a variety of ways as their career and style evolve. Includes editing.


English to Spanish or Spanish to English

$80 per hour | 1-3 pages per hour

Monica Louzon will translate your story, retaining your tone and style. This service includes translation and mechanical editing to conform to The Chicago Manual of Style.


FICTION GENRES: We specialize in literary fiction, science fiction, speculative fiction, and adjacent subgenres including: cyberpunk, silkpunk, solarpunk, slipstream, ecofiction, utopian, dystopian, and post-apocalyptic. We are also happy to take on horror and dark fiction projects. We will not accept stories that feature sexual assault, child abuse, pedophilia, incest, or anything similarly vile.

CREATIVE NON-FICTION & MEMOIRS: We do not accept projects that call for or encourage violence, hate, or discrimination. We will not entertain clients or projects affiliated with causes that run counter to our values, which prioritize empathy, human rights, equality, and truth in media. We are LGBTQIA+ advocates who believe trans, queer, and Black Lives Matter. If that’s a problem for you, we will not be compatible.

ETHICS: To avoid the appearance of impropriety, we do not consider stories we edit here for publication on The Dread Machine or in any of our anthologies. If you’d like to submit to The Dread Machine but require editorial or translation services, we’ll be happy to provide recommendations to other freelance editors we know and trust.

PAYMENT: We work on a retainer basis and invoice through Paypal. We highly recommend securing your job promptly.

APPOINTMENT CANCELLATIONS: We value and respect your time; please show our team the same courtesy. Refunds for missed appointments and late-cancellations create expensive losses our small firm can’t afford to absorb, which is why we require appointments to be paid for at scheduling. These deposits are eligible for refund up to 24 hours before the appointment time.

Schedule your free sample edits.

It can be scary to send your art to strangers wielding red pens! Fill in the form below to schedule a free 15-minute meet-and-greet with our team to discuss your project. If you feel comfortable proceeding, we’ll provide two pages of sample edits, on the house.